Friday, October 28, 2011

Joshua & Jessica's Dreams'

My today's dream was kinda weird. Why it has to be the double J's that i had to dream of?
Well it was kinda short and it went like this.....

I was taking photos....don't who it was...but as i recall I think it might be my son. I took couple shots of him + with families and since i am done with it, I went to the store to print them. There were bout 20 of photos and they were printed nicely. However, on the last photo I noticed that there were two photos with different background. The original and the other had the background changed as if it was edited. by who? but i liked it. On the bottom left corner of the photo it was like has been embossed with a logo with a JJ name on it on circle. Small yet to been seen with my naked eye. The original photo was suppose to be clearly as blue sky day background but it was changed into darky, bluish, saturated blurry background. But i loved it. Then i thought....Joshua and Jessica has opened their photo printing company. And they proposed an additional photo that they thought good after it was edited. I thought...what a brilliant idea. You photoshop-ed a photo that may suit a person's taste....and its selling!!

then again....i was just a of my ordinary dreams given by Him....thank you

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