Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My dreams

today i dreamt about my grandmom, i was at the living room of 'petojo', then i know that i came there to look for something which i had forgotten. I knew one of my friends was there and i think it was morten, so i looked for him upstairs. but the journey was difficult yet adventurous. a lot of hindrance in the way yet i was able to reach the top floor. then someone followed me, it was marg, damn.....she wanted to come to the room but somehow i forbit it while hanging on the woods like monkey. As she tried to slid torwards me i managed to hold her with my legs. it was then that we touched and brought my hearts to the feeling like i used to be. then i went back to the bus, somehow the tourleader told me to buy jeans as this place was famous for its products. there were three colors blue, purple, and grey. i choose purple but went back to grey. the jeans was somehow different from the current trend. that was my dream

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